Thursday, May 27, 2010

Three laws of Gravity

As we have discussed enough on newton's law of gravity.. let me also help you go through on the major three law of gravity.
what is the meaning of gravity?
When you throw a ball, book or a stone they will be pulled back to the ground. They experience a force to reach the ground. That force is called as "Gravity" or "Gravitation"
Three law of gravity -
As we already discussed that Newton stated three laws of gravity. These are also called as "Laws of Motion". The main concepts in the three laws of gravity are Velocity, Force, Mass and Acceleration.
  1. First Law: The First law of gravity is also know as 'Law of Inertia'.It states that there is no change in a object unless and until some external force acting up on it. It also states that an object moves in a straight line until an additional force acts upon it.
  2. Second Law: The acceleration of the object will be directly proportional to the net force applied on it and at the same time the acceleration of the object is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Clearly, if we increase the force on an object the acceleration of that object also increases. At the same time if we increase the mass of the object the acceleration will decrease.
  3. Third Law: This is also called as 'Law of Action-Reaction'. It states that there is always equal and opposite reaction for any actions
I hope my information would have helped you to understand on the law of gravity. I would also like to pass on one important message to you all. I had been go through TutorVista online eduction website .. they have the more specified and relevant content on all the subjects. If you need more help on any subject go on to the web site - This is one of the coolest web site which i have ever found and they do all wonders to help us in all subjects. If this is more interesting to you then share this information to others as well . keep reading .. if i make sense leave your comments.....

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