Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Examples of Kinetic Energy

As we understood what is all about kinetic Energy in the previous lesson, let me also go through on Examples of kinetic Energy. This will help you not only on examples but also kinetic energy and temperature.
Kinetic energy:
Kinetic energy produced by a body due to its motion is called kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is equal to one half the product of mass and square of velocity of the body
One of the thermodynamic energy is temperature. It is related to average energy of motion
Examples of Kinetic Energy:

I would like to list down all the examples of Kinetic Energy. All moving objects have kinetic energy. Keeping this point in mind we can illustrate some examples of kinetic energy

1. A moving car
2. Water falling from a height in waterfalls
3. Electrons revolving around the nucleus
4. Earth orbiting the sun
5. A swinging pendulum
6. Satellites revolving around the planets
7. A walking man
8. A moving rocket or spacecraft
9. A bullet fired from a gun
10. A child playing a computer game
11. A spinning top
12. Water stored in the dam has potential energy.When it flows down the Potential energy gets converted into Kinetic energy.
13. A rocket fired from the launch vehicle.
14. A person skipping
15. A police running behind a thief
16. Mangoes falling from a mango tree
17. A diver undergoing sky diving
18. A person swimming
19. A crawling baby
20. A bucket of water undergoing vertical or horizontal motion

In short any example of motion you consider, it has kinetic energy associated with it.

I hope i took your time in a productive way. keep reading .... May in the next lesson let me help you understand on Momentum and kinetic energy.

1 comment:

  1. Our life is full of the example of kinetic energy and potential energy.There is a huge difference between them but potential energy converts onto the kinetic energy.
    Examples of Nucleic Acids
