Sunday, May 23, 2010

Physics in relation to Science, Society and Technology

Physics is always in relation to People, Society and technology. The relation between physics, technology and society can be seen in many examples. The discipline of thermodynamics arose from the need to understand and improve the working of heat engines. The steam engine, as we know, is inseparable from the Industrial Revolution in England in the eighteenth century, which had great impact on the course of human civilization. Sometimes technology gives rise to new physics; at other times physics generates new technology. An example of the latter is the wireless communication technology that followed the discovery of the basic laws of electricity and magnetism in the nineteenth century. The applications of physics are not always easy to foresee.

Below are the few examples of some physicists from different countries of the world and their major contribution
Physics is the study of nature and natural phenomena. Physicists try to discover the rules
that are operating in nature, on the basis of observations, experimentation and analysis.
Physics deals with certain basic rules/laws governing the natural world. What is the nature of physical laws? We shall now discuss the nature of fundamental forces and the laws that
govern the diverse phenomena of the physical world.

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