Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What is Kinetic Energy

Introduction of Kinetic Energy -
Kinetic energy is a form of energy which is related to the motion of the particle.If a body is at rest then its kinetic energy will be zeroinetic energy is a form of energy which is related to the motion of the particle.If a body is at rest then its kinetic energy will be zero.

What is Kinetic energy:
I would also like to post an example on what is Kinetic Energy. Consider a body of mass 'm' moving with a velocity 'v'. The kinetic energy associated with the particle is given by
KE = 1/2mv2
Types of Kinetic Energy-
Following are the types of Kinetic energies
1. Translational kinetic energy - possessed by a body undergoing straight line motion
2. Rotational kinetic energy - possessed by rotating objects
Have you come to an conclusion on what is all about Kinetic Energy. I would also like to share my thoughts with you on Examples of Kinetic Energy. Keep reading and leave your comments to help me help you better.........

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